It is 2025 For this, my first message for the new year, I chose the theme of light to signify that we may be entering into an entire new era when the light of truth shines again. Something has changed and I believe that more changes are going to happen. It depends perhaps on our individual perceptions and expectations of course, but I for one am excited. I am speaking from personal observation, from what others are sharing with me and from what we believe is a direct word from God for us personally, but what He has said to us may also apply to you. We ask ourselves, as I recommend you do, to ascertain if our hopes and expectations stem from our own desires and imagination or come from the throne-room. We need to see things in a new light. I have seen many well meaning people attempt to “do things for God” that He never asked them to do, with differing degrees of “success”. I suppose everyone of us has gone down dead end alleys before, but when we stand back and observe; sit still and listen and allow God to speak, a whole new world awaits us. Change is upon us Hanukkah and Christmas recently occurred at the same time in 2024. This is a rare occasion and if memory serves meright, the last time they fell at the same time was in 1999. It makes me wnder if there is any significance. Perhaps.This present time is unique. 2024 was a dark year in many ways and I could share many examples, but light overcomes darkness. The Light of the world is shining and from the reports I have received, many of which are never shared by the media and religious folk, something seems to be simmering and coming to the boil as it does when cooking when we gather the ingredients, prepare them, put them together, turn the heat up, set the timer—and wait! There is an expectancy many people have never had, or had like this before. This is true for my own ministry. Some of my ministry dreams that the Lord planted inside me decades ago, with strict instructions to prepare myself and wait are suddenly starting to make sense. Back in 1992 for example, the Lord told me one Saturday afternoon to visit a church I knew . As we turned into the parking lot, another car driven by another pastor I knew, came from the opposite direction. Part of the Lord’s word, confirmed by this stranger, was to wait... The Lord told me to prepare myself for what was coming that had been revealed in vision form more than once. The first time was back in the middle 1970’s when I was ministering with Kenneth Hagin. We do not like waiting. This is why there are many failed churches and ministries today when people choose to do things that God never asked them to do. Conversely, there are people around who are doing precisely what the Lord has told them to do in His time-frame and in the manner He has ordained and achieving extraordinary results. More people are going to be released like that in 2025. These people have had a word from God and have been in waiting mode, preparing themselves for a sudden release. It’s not easy to wait, especially when other people who should know better laugh at you, treat you with disdain and call you a misfit because you dare to be different, but that is the kind of treatment God’s real prophets often received. You may be one of them. 2025 shall most likely see many established churches and ministries cease to function. That is not a critical judgmental statement, but truth, because of Gods timetable. A new season is commencing. |
What happened next is what I believe shall really start happening in 2025. In Joshua 5, after the Red Sea had opened 40 years beforehand, they had been delivered from Egypt. They had crossed over the Jordan into the Promised Land and then God commanded Joshua to circumcise the men. That was a sign of the covenant between God and Abraham and represented the cutting off of the old flesh nature. Has the church become worldly? Has it allowed herself to be squeezed into the mould of the world? You be the judge of that. Personally, I believe that we have. We are destined to be the light of the world and shine in the darkness, but are we? If we are not, change is indeed coming. God will roll away the reproach of the world system, just as He said in Joshua 5:9 and the people called the place where that happened, Gilgal. They then kept Passover and something different happened. The people of Israel camped at Gilgal in the Jericho plain. There they celebrated the Passover on the evening of the fourteenth day of the month. On the day after the Passover, they ate some of the produce of the land, unleavened bread and roasted grain. The day after that, the manna stopped. The people of Israel never had manna again. That year they began to eat the crops that grew in Canaan. They had been eating manna for 40 years. It was Gods provision but habit forming. They had moved into a new era and the manna ceased. A new season had arrived and God’s provision for the old season ceased forever. This has to be the message for 2025. |
2025 When we look at the number combinations in 2025, a pattern emerges. The number twenty represents expectancy. Anyone who does not expect, usually never receives. We see this principle often in scripture. On a personal note, we expect something and what we expect is founded on what the Lord has spoken about to us. We do not choose to do something and then ask God to bless it as many do, but ascertain the mind and will of the Lord according to what He has said to us and then act on that, nothing else. He may not reveal all of His plan at once, but gradually unfolds it according to our capacity to receive it and act upon it, one step at a time. When we choose to pursue God’s plan, we can lay claim to the promise. I looked up the word expectation and was surprized how often it appears in scripture. One passage of a surprisingly large number is taken from Proverbs: Don’t envy sinners, but follow the example of those who always fear God; for then you will have a future; what you hope for will not be cut off. What is this expectation? The Hebrew word is tiq·wā that means hope, expectation, looking forward to, a confidence in regard to a good and beneficial future and there is another meaning that describes some kind of cord or tie, made up by weaving different strands of string or cloth into an ornamental item of clothing. If it is a belt, it holds up our pants. If it is a dress tie, it is a fashion statement. As I looked at this, I felt as if the Lord said, I can hold everything up, keep everything together, cover and adorn you with finery. If God has promised us something, that is what we hold onto. It is the foundation for our belief, so we can expect God’s promise to be fulfilled. Without such a foundation we drift from experience to experience, party to party, BBQ to BBQ , drink to drink and probably enjoy them at the time, but what next? What happens after the hangover is gone and you are alone? Twenty-five is a square of the number 5 that speaks of the grace of God, so it seems as if His grace is going to concentrated, multiplied or expanded somehow. If numbers do have some form of significance, then we can expect a manifestation of His grace, perhaps a multiplied manifestation. A pastor I know in America has been conducting miracle crusades during which thousands of people are born again and receiving miracles of healing etcetera. He reported that a vast hunger broke out across the land, almost totally ignored by the media. Most churches dismissed the opportunity. It did not fit into their agenda. They had different ways of doing things. The attitude was to leave us alone and we shall continue doing our thing. Some pastors openly boycotted the meetings and forbade their members from going, but thousands drove past them to those meetings and had an encounter with the Lord. The workers were extra bold on the streets when witnessing and reported that many people were very receptive, often waiting patiently to be prayed for and to receive the Lord on the streets. Imagine that in Detroit or Los Angeles. Businesses were eager to put their posters in their windows and they found that it was easier to invite people to the meetings than ever before. He said that this harvest occurred because they were ready, having trained themselves for it and expected it. He added that Americans are coming back to common sense, traditional values and faith, but asked how long would it last. He said that he expects double in 2025—double. This seems to align with my understanding on the significance of the numbers previously mentioned—double grace. |
Are we standing on the banks of a new experience, like Joshua? I believe that we may be. I am not saying anything like this year will be the year of the overflow, or some other catchphrase as others have done and on most occasions were like mere clouds without rain. We can make a “faith declaration” based on our own desires, but want to continue living the same way, doing the same things and saying the same words etcetera. We must cross over and circumcise the old nature and habits. God told Joshua to shut down operations and do something different. They had done all that God told them to do and were ready for anything and everything. They had partaken of the blessing and provision of the Lord and the manna had ceased. Jericho was ahead of them and destined to fall, just as God said it would, but Joshua had not yet formulated God’s plan of attack. As he stood there contemplating, he saw a man standing before him. This Man gave Joshua God’s plan and Joshua worshiped Him. What God intends to do is holy. It has to be respected and treasured. In this passage, the word Man is capitalized. He is also mentioned as the Captain of the Lord’s host. I believe that this was Jesus before His birth on earth. He is our Commander-in-chief today. He is the one who is building His Church. He is the one who we follow and in so doing, He shall give us the right strategy for this coming year. I believe that we personally, that is my wife and me, have been given such a strategy and like Joshua, we have done all that we can to be ready for our next venture. 2024 for us is over. Whatever we achieved is done with. What mistakes we made are in the past and we have dealt with them already. We have stood on the banks of our own personal “River Jordan” and already eaten “new food”. We have changed our diets because the Lord told us to do so and our health has improved. This seems to be a major problem with Christians. We cannot keep eating wrong foods because our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit. We care more for our cars than our bodies. I would not use the wrong fuel, do no maintenance, let the radiator run dry, not keep the engine oil topped up or never change the oil filter in my car, but the Lord has been revealing that many illnesses—in believers—are due to them doing that to their bodies. That has been a big learning curve for us and I believe that it is part of God’s plan for His body, the Church. We have shed old habits and circumcised the old life, doing all that we know to do according to the ministry plan and vision given to us and are standing on the other side of the Jordan, staring at our own Promised Land. We’re not in it yet, but are heading that way. Giants are there. Opposition is there. Misunderstanding is there. The walls of Jericho are there—but we have a word from God that tells us 2025 will be our best year ever. Donald Trump will soon be in office at the time of writing and I believe big changes will come—for the better. Despite what you may or may not think of him or what the media tries to tell you, do not discount him. He could be God’s man of the hour. He could be like the kings in the bible who helped Gods people. I suspect however that there shall be much opposition from the woke dark left and, sadly, a lack of any real support from many Christians. I shall give a report in due course. Perhaps we will have a change in government in Australia soon and that also shall be a much needed and overdue change. I wish you could see us now. If you could, you will see how committed and ready we are to finally take possession of our promise. 2025 may well be your greatest and best year of your lives, so I encourage you to do likewise. I close with a reminder of the reference to light. Allow the light of God’s truth to shine in your lives and be ready... Robert |
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