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Jesus did many things in the presence of His disciples, such as healing the sick, feeding the multitudes, preaching and teaching. He was a man of prayer and His disciples witnessed this custom. They asked him to teach them how to pray, because, like many of us, they simply did not know how.

Then he was praying in a certain place; and when He stopped, one of His disciples said to Him, Lord, teach us to pray, [just] as John taught his disciples. Luke 11:1.

His reply is what many people call "The Lord's Prayer". To be correct, we should call this "The Disciples Prayer" because His prayer is recorded in passages like John 17. His reply gave us a pattern for prayer.

And He said to them, When you pray, say: Our Father Who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come. Your will be done [held holy and revered] on earth as it is in heaven. Luke 11:2.

Please notice the words, Hallowed be your Name.

Jesus revealed to us the importance of God's name. Many of us have little regard today for the importance of names. Proverbs 22:1 says-
A good name is to be more desired than great wealth, Favor is better than silver and gold.

God is a Spirit. The only way we can worship Him is in the similar dimension. That is... in the dimension of the spirit, but can we comprehend the incomprehendable...the invisible God who dwells in light? He knows all this and has gone to great lengths to reveal Himself to us in many ways through His Word. One way of doing this is to show us who He is; what He is like; what He does and how He operates is by sharing his many faceted being through His Covenant Names. You and I have a name. By using this name, we can be identified. God has many names by which we can identify Him.

This page shares some of the various Covenant Names of God. I know that you will be blessed. I was when I prepared this.


List of names
The Names of God The Names of Jesus A-B-C The Names of Jesus D-E-F The Names of Jesus G-H-I The Names of Jesus J-K-L The Names of Jesus M-N-O The Names of Jesus P-Q-R The Names of Jesus S-T-U The Names of Jesus V-Z The Names of The Holy Spirit
Christ in every book

The Psalmist spoke about Jesus, saying,

"Then I said, “Behold, I come; In the scroll of the book it is written of me. I delight to do Your will, O my God; Your Law is within my heart.”
Psalm 40:7-8.

The writer of the book of Hebrews said of Jesus,

'Then said I, Lo, I come in the volume of the book it is written of me, to do thy will, O God" Hebrews 10:7.

Every chapter in every book of the bible reveals Jesus. To conclude this study, we share something of this with you. I think you will be blessed and surprised.

Old Testament

In Genesis, He is The Seed of the Woman

In Exodus, He is The Passover Lamb

In Leviticus, He is The High Priest

In Numbers, He is The Pillar of Cloud By Day and the Pillar Of Fire By Night

In Deuteronomy, He is The Prophet Like Unto Moses

In Joshua, He is The Captain Of Our Salvation

In Judges, He is The Lawgiver

In Ruth, He is Our Kinsman Redeemer

In First and Second Samuel, He is The Trusted Prophet

In First and Second Kings, He is The Reigning King

In First and Second Chronicles, He is The Reigning King

In Ezra, He is The Faithful Scribe

In Nehemiah, He is The Rebuilder Of The Broken Down Walls Of Our Lives

In Esther, He is Our Mordecai

In Job, He is The Dayspring From On High and Our Everlasting Redeemer

In Psalms, He is The Lord Our Shepherd

In Proverbs, He is Wisdom Personified

In Ecclesiastes, He is Our Wisdom

In Song of Solomon, He is Our Heavenly Bridegroom and Lover of Our Souls

In Isaiah, He is The Prince of Peace

In Jeremiah, He is The Righteous Branch

In Lamentations, He is The Weeping Prophet

In Ezekiel, He is The Four-faced Man

In Daniel, He is The Fourth Man

In Hosea, He is The Faithful Husband

In Joel, He is The Baptiser In The Holy Ghost And Fire

In Amos, He is The Burden Bearer

In Obadiah, He is Mighty To Save

In Jonah, He is The Great Foreign Missionary

In Micah, He is The Messenger With Beautiful Feet

In Nahum, He is The Avenger OF God's Elect

In Habakkuk, He is God's Evangelist

In Zephaniah, He is The Saviour

In Haggai, He is The Restorer Of God's Heritage

In Zechariah, He is The Fountain Opened Up In The House Of David

In Malachi, He is The Sun Of Righteousness

New Testament

In Matthew He is The Messiah

In Mark He is The Wonder Worker

In Luke He is The Son Of Man

In John He is The Son Of God

In Acts He is The Holy Ghost

In Romans He is The Justifier

In First and Second Corinthians He is The Gifts Of The Spirit

In Galatians He is The Redeemer From The Curse Of The Law

In Ephesians He is The Christ Of Unsearchable Riches

In Philippians He is The God Who Supplies All Our Needs

In Colossians He is The Fullness of The Godhead Bodily

In First and Second Thessalonians He is Our Soon Coming King

In First and Second Timothy He is The Mediator Between God And Man

In Titus He is Our Faithful Pastor

In Philemon He is The Friend That Sticketh Closer Than A Brother

In Hebrews He is The Great High Priest

In James He is The Great Physician

In First and Second Peter He is The Chief Shepherd

In First, Second and Third John He is Everlasting Love

In Jude He is The Lord Coming With Ten Thousands Of His Saints

In Revelation He is The King of Kings And The Lord Of Lords

He is

He is Abel’s sacrifice, Noah’s rainbow, Abraham’s ram, Isaac’s wells, Jacob’s ladder, Issachar’s burdens, Samuel’s horn of oil, David’s slingshot, Isaiah’s fig poultice, Hezekiah’s sun-dial, John’s pearly white city, Paul’s handkerchiefs and aprons and Peter’s shadow.

He is the rose of Sharon, the lily of the valley, the bright and morning star, the fairest of ten thousand, a husband to the widow, a father to the orphan, the pearl of great price, the rock in a weary land, the water from the rock and the Prince of Peace.

He is Jesus, the Son of God.

The bible speaks much about Jesus, whether in direct language, or in types and shadows and in prophecy form.

From the beginning of time, Jesus was the Lamb who was slain before the foundations of the world.

Many of these prophecies about Jesus have already been fulfilled.

Some are yet to be fulfilled and this is actually happening right now.

See the Companion Page "The Messiah In Prophecy" that lists prophecies concerning Jesus, where they are found and when they were fulfilled.

I have shared them without comment, to supplement this particular study so that you can discover for yourself that Jesus is revealed from page one of the bible right through to the end... the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end and all in between.

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