Our studies on angelology and demonology are prepared to provide sound doctrinal information about the dimension of the spirit. We ourselves are spirit beings, fashioned and created in the image and likeness of God, who is spirit. We have a soul and live in a physical body in such a way that we can interact with this normally unseen dimension. Misleading information, false impressions and simple assumptions leading to error and lies has held many a good person in bondage and fear. All too often this fear is instilled simply because God's people do not know the truth. The devil is a trickster... a liar and his deceptive nature in opposing the work of the Lord, has allowed him to pose in roles that have caused men to think of him in any way other than his true character. A common misconception portrays him as a red faced being with horns, hoofs and a forked tail who carries a pitchfork and is dressed in a red suit. Sometimes he is pictured as an ugly, grotesque being with an evil, cunning grin on a leering face. Whilst evil spirits and demon forces may be ugly in this way, Lucifer really is far from such a picture. The bible reveals that the truth is otherwise when he appears to men and if he came in such a guise, few would follow him. I have often heard believers say that the devil is attacking them and that really annoys me. It infuriates the Lord, because He dealt with the enemy hordes at Calvary. I recall a time He shared information on such matters with me in a way that was startling to say the least. He was very angry... very angry indeed and it is one of two times only that I have seen Him angry. His anger was due to the over-emphasis placed on the devil, likening it to worship by default when people say that he is attacking them. In summary, the Lord said that those people who say such things are as good as telling Him that (in His own words) Calvary was not good enough! In conjunction with our studies on God's holy Angels, I present this information on the devil and his fallen angels, with other relevant matter to you so that you will know who they are, where they originated, what they do and their status in the sight of God to help you and better equip you. |
The word Angel appears in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. The supernatural being we call an angel such as the cherubim in the Holy of Holies and other ranks of angels present something above these things. Their presence often revealed an aspect of God's glory. These specific illustrations however relate to God's holy angels. They are messengers of God, but there is another species of angel who, as fallen angels, are the messengers of Satan who is called The god of this world. | The need to know
Satan should never be given undue prominence, but it is important to know that he occupied a very prominent place in the bible in ages past, holding title of Lucifer. He is known by many other names which we shall see elsewhere on this page. I am of the opinion that he has tricked those folk into such denial to achieve his own ends. It is to Satan's advantage to have his presence denied so that he may be enabled to work more subtly in deceiving Mankind.
The New Testament refers to him as Satan, or the devil about seventy-two times. I think that this is because Jesus had come in fulfilment of the prophecy in Genesis 3:15, when Christ, the seed of the woman, was born of the flesh, coming to achieve victory over Satan and purchase redemption at Calvary. The battle lines so to speak were then drawn and we can now see the unfolding of prophecy before our very eyes as the devil's time is fast running out. |
About him
Our studies will look at his nature, character and personality and answer typical questions like, Where did he come from? What does he do? What will happen next?
Since Calvary, things radically changed. Jesus is seated at the right hand of God as our Great High Priest making intercession for you and me. A created being
Lucifer is a created being, as are all angels and creation. See Psalm 148:1-14.
He was called Lucifer because he reflected the glorious light of god. He was the lightbearer. The name Lucifer is הֵילֵל (hêlēl). His personality
We have seen that Lucifer is a created being. This means that he has a personality. Satan and evil spirits are by no means figures of speech. No metaphor could offer a kingdom to Jesus, or cause a child to throw himself into a fire, cause a whole herd of swine to run violently over the edge of a cliff, or scream out loudly to beg Jesus not to punish them prematurely.
If anyone doubts the personality of Satan then they must also doubt the personality of Jesus!
His origin
It all began when Lucifer lifted his will above that of God Almighty. Pride was a major failing in Lucifer. His selfish pride caused him to rise above the reason or purpose he was created and the and service assigned to him. As a result of this rebellion, Lucifer was cast out of the heavenly realm and office which he had held.We see several statements he made saying, "I will"... Isaiah describes it this way in Isaiah 14:12-17 How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weaken the nations! For you have said in your heart, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also on the mount of the congregation, in the recesses of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.” Yet you shall be brought down to Hell, to the sides of the pit. Those who see you shall stare at you and ponder over you: Is this the man who made the earth to tremble and shook kingdoms, who made the world as a wilderness and destroyed its cities, who did not open the house of his prisoners?” See also Ezekiel 28:2; 14-19; 2 Thessalonians 2:4 Jesus said in Luke 10:18 that He saw Satan fall as lightning from heaven. Some commentators believe that Jesus' words were prophetic and refer to Revelation 12:9. Paul told Timothy that novices should not be promoted to office to avolid being lifted up in pride and fall into cpondemnation of teh devil lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. See 1 Timothy 3:6. We are not sure if Satan still has access to Heaven. In Job 1:6-7 we see that the sons of God presented themselves to God and Satan was with them. When the Lord asked him about it, Satan said that he had been going to and fro in the earth and walking up and down in it. Jesus came here to destroy the works of the devil. See 1 John 3:8. Because of Calvary, Jesus has all power and authority, having spoiled all princapalites and powers according to Colossians 2:14-15. It appears that his function now is nowhere as effective as it was before Jesus came and he seeks weaaknesses in believers, mainly as the accuser of our brethren according to Revelation 12:10. Please do not undestimate this being nevertheless . He is still god of the world system (notice the lower case "g") who, despite his abilities, has never regained his former position of honor and influence. Think of it as a person who has been arrested for a crime, taken to court and been sentenced by the judge for his crime, Judgement has already been made and the sentence is yet to be fulfilled. |
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