Many years ago, there was a movie in which an innocent man was convicted of murder and sent to death row. He was taken by vehicle to the prison and as he walked through the gate into the cellblock, a guard walked in front of him, calling out, “Dead man walking”. This page talks about us... A pastor friend once told me about a visit to New York. Apparently as he was strolling down the street and window-shopping, a young woman approached him. She was a call girl and when she propositioned him, he declined, saying something like, “No thanks. I am a dead man.” She replied, saying, “I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anything that can be done for your condition?” Let us go back to the beginning, to the place where sin entered into the world in Genesis 3:15: This was a prophetic statement and we now know that Jesus is that seed of the women, but here is something interesting. Women do not have seed! This word is zāraʿ that is seen more than 220 times. It talks about agriculture in the sense of the time of sowing, or seedtime; the result of what is scattered or sown and semen. The fourth meaning is the offspring in the promised line of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (and their descendants). What Paul just said can relate to our everyday lives. Without getting legalistic, what we do or neglect to do does have an influence on us. It is a matter of obedience or disobedience. God may want us to do something, to stop doing a certain thing, or give something away and we do not want to comply, so the blessing, or the desired outcome often just does not come.
At this point, I would like to ask, “What did Jesus do?” This might sound a strange question, but it is strange how many believers do not really know precisely what happened. Let us see what the bible tells us- The soul that sins, it [is the one that] shall die. The son shall not bear and be punished for the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear and be punished for the iniquity of the son; the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him only, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon the wicked only. For the wages which sin pays is death, but the [bountiful] free gift of God is eternal life through (in union with) Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23 It is evident that because of Adam we are all under the same curse. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:22, that because of Adam, we all die. Death was never God’s desire. Adam was created to live forever. The human body is a truly amazing thing. Sickness should not exist. Creation itself should not be in a state of decay and is groaning under the weight of sin, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. For [even the whole] creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God's sons to be made known [waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship]. Romans 8:19 Please take note of the reference to the Law. If there is no law to break, we are innocent. We cannot break a law if there is none. At this point, I have to take a slight detour to talk about the keeping of the Law. There were over 600 in all, not just the Ten Commandments. Scriptures reveal that all it could do was really condemn us. If someone did something contrary to God’s will, the Law demanded something be done, usually sacrificially. All that happened was that the transgression was merely covered and God was (temporarily) appeased, but it never dealt with the very inherent principle of man’s sinful nature. He was caught in a cycle of committing a sin, repenting, seeking forgiveness, making restitution and returning to the same old patterns. Only one man could keep that Law and His name is Jesus. He fulfilled it. This means that it is still valid in a way, but their purpose was temporary only waiting for the Second Adam to meet their requirements, both by the keeping of them and by being the sacrificial offering for them. Anyone else who tries to keep the law today will fail and thus displease God, because they are treating Calvary with disrespect. Everything hinges around Jesus and what He did. See Galatians 2:16; 5:1; 6:2; Colossians 2:20. I will now return to Romans chapter five… When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned. Yes, people sinned even before the law was given. But it was not counted as sin because there was not yet any law to break. |
What Jesus did was to set us free. That was His part. What we do is to firstly believe that He did it and then accept it…by faith. When we do that, the provisional promise of salvation and the absolute forgiveness of sin becomes activated. It is not the sins, or the things we do or neglect to do, but the inherent principle that makes us sin that He dealt with. In other words, He restored us to the original status that Adam had. That is, the power over sin, or the ability to choose. He chose unwisely. We now have the option to choose wisely. | I say that because God says so in His word. In 1 John 1:7 we see that the Blood of Jesus Christ (nothing else) cleanses us from All sin. John added that if we confess our sins (to God) He is faithful and just to forgive us sins and to cleanse us from All unrighteousness. In the 2nd chapter John states that we have an advocate or paraklētos with the Father. When Jesus said He would send the Holy Spirit in John 14:6, He used that same word. The Spirit of God now represents Jesus and also acts as our advocate. This means that if and when we sin—and repent, the Holy Spirit who acts on Jesus’ behalf acts on our behalf and pleads our case. It’s like a lawyer representing you in court. Our sin should invoke a penalty demanding a sacrificial offering of some kind, but Jesus had already done that for us. The paraklēte says that we are not guilty, because of Jesus. It is as if He says to the Father, “I dealt with that”. This is what is called propitiation. It depends on our attitude of heart, or a word often despised… repentance. |
Many people say that when they sin, God seems remote. He is (because of that sin), but the split fraction of a second after you repent and ask forgiveness, you are fully restored. Why people keep on rebelling and disobeying and doing things that offend Him and then say that God doesn’t seem to answer their prayers like He once did, or why He does not talk to them as before amazes me. The solution is to fix it! Having said that, if it “aint” broke, don’t fix it. If we walk in the light as He is in the light and don’t goof off, there is no need to be concerned. I will deal more with this later. In 1 John 3:1-3 we see that we are Now (not sometime in the future) the sons of God and know Him and that we purify ourselves whilst we look for Him. Jesus was manifested to take away our sins and in Him is no sin. If He took them away—they are away—gone and forgotten! Think about it. We allow that to happen because of our sins that we commit because we allow the old nature to come back to life. There is a bold statement in 1 John 3:9- Many people have difficulty with this. I guess it is because they are looking at it from an intellectual viewpoint, or from the natural perspective, but we are not natural people. We are the sons of God as I just shared. Look at this from the Amplified version. This means that we do not deliberately go around determining to do something that we know is sinning. We do not make it a habit. We do not make it a practice and this is exactly what John said. You can tell the pretend believers from the real ones by what John said in the next verse. Pretenders don’t care. They please themselves and live for themselves and do so out of the old flesh nature. They like the things of the world more than the things of God and when I say world, I refer to the way things are done in the world system. That’s where the devil operates. He is the god (lower case g) of this world.
I want to show you how we can deal with our sin and our guilt problem. We shall would start with something Paul said- Verse 9 says that the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Jesus. He dwells in us and if He dwells in us, that fullness also dwells in us. You’re in Him, right? He’s in you right? When He said it is finished, it is finished, so what He did in you and in me is a done deal. What we have to do is know it and live in it. Verse 11 talks about circumcision and this is the cutting off of the old flesh nature that is now dead. I want to show you something that can liberate you. You’re in Him, right? He’s in you right? When He said it is finished, it is finished, so what He did in you and in me is a done deal. What we have to do is know it and live in it. Verse 11 talks about circumcision and this is the cutting off of the old flesh nature that is now dead. I want to show you something that can liberate you. Everything you did and everything I did was written down and kept on record. It was evidence that could be used against us in a court of law. The pages said, “You did this. You did that” and the record was true and accurate. We were guilty as charged. The death penalty applied. The righteous judge had no option but to pronounce sentence, based on the evidence presented. One day the Son of God came and by what He did, God was able to wipe the slate clean. |
The KJV puts it like this-
What this means is this: The Greek word for blotting is exaleiphō and it means to obliterate; to wipe out, blot out and erase. The record sheet is totally empty. It is not even there, but I drew an empty box below to illustrate what God did for us. Previously, there was a record of our sins as seen here- Many people come under condemnation because of this record that is often used by the accuser of the brethren to keep reminding us of our shortcomings. If you have ever had an insidious voice inside you, that keeps saying something like “You did this” and “You did that” and “You are no good”, that is what I am speaking about. The righteous Judge never condemns like that. He measures us against the application of the Blood of Jesus. As He did on the first Passover He is looking for the applied blood and when He sees the Blood of Jesus on us, He deems us to be innocent. Many years ago, I was having a sort of pity party and that is a dangerous thing. Never do that! I’ve got to finish off Colossians now and come to the crux of the message. Jesus spoiled the devil and his hordes and made a shew of them. That word is deigmatizō. Think of a battle where a king or a general won a great victory. The conqueror took the spoils of war and often brought the vanquished king or general back home and had a great victory parade. The winner often made his enemy kneel or fall on his face before him and placed his foot on the enemy’s neck. You know the story. That’s the kind of thing Jesus did and what is amazing is that the provision was made for us to enter into that victory. Sin no longer has dominion over us. God has made it possible for us to have dominion over it. If you read Isaiah 14:16, it is a good illustration. We can wonder, “Is that all he is?” when thinking of the devil. A great preacher testified of visiting a city for ministry and woke during the night and saw the devil standing at the foot of his bed. He said, “Oh, it’s you!”, rolled over and went back to sleep.Far too many believers give the devil more credit than he is due. It makes my blood boil when I hear Christians say that they are under attack. Scriptures that tell us we are seated with Christ in heavenly places and more than conquerors. Romans 16:20 that states- One evening several years ago the Lord was speaking to me in a tone of voice that disturbed me. It was as if He was so angry that his nostrils flared as He spat out, “How dare they? How dare they?” He was talking about Christians who keep saying that the devil is attacking them. I know that difficulties, problems and opposition comes our way, but most of our problems are in essence, self-inflicted. He kept speaking “They are as good as telling me that Calvary was not good enough” and that got me thinking. Please weigh up what I say. When Jesus died and was raised from the dead, God broke the stronghold that the devil had over men. Everything changed forever. I have reached the place where I can bring this to a practical conclusion. The bible teaches us that the devil is on the prowl, looking for someone somewhere who has his or her guard down. He does not possess one of the attributes of God, namely the qualities of being ever present everywhere, knowing everything and possessing all power and authority. This means that the devil cannot be everywhere at once attacking you and attacking some other people. According to 1 Peter 5, he is wandering around seeking opportunity to function. Peter says that the solution is to resist him! You cannot resist someone more powerful than yourself. James 4:7-8, tells us to submit ourselves to God and then resist the devil, who would flee from us. The key is submission to God. If we don’t do that, then the devil has a legal precedent that he may capitalize on. Don’t give him one! I want to show you something extraordinary. Look at the time Jesus appointed an additional 70 disciples and sent them on ministry assignments in Luke 10. On their return, they gave their reports, including a statement in verse 17 that even the devils were subject to them through His Name. That was before Calvary, so the key is being authorized by Jesus to do what He wants. That is speaking of His authority. Jesus never mentioned the devil or evil spirits when He sent them out! I’m touching on exercising our authority over evil spirits and casting them out now, but mentioned this to illustrate something. The Lord replied by telling them that He had given them power (Exousia) over all the power (Dynamis) of the enemy. If the devil has any power as in explosive force, those disciples were given that ability or authority to negate it! On the Day of Pentecost Jesus’s followers were also given this dynamite force, so we now have the authority—and ability to live victoriously. I will reiterate! Jesus has given you and me both the ability and the authority to deal with the sin issue in our lives. The devil and his cronies cannot touch us, provided we keep the love walk going and keep wearing the whole armour of God. Perhaps you may now see what He gets angry when believers keep confessing that they are under attack! There is creative power in our confessions and they can be Godly or negative confessions. You will have what you say, so if you keep saying that the devil is attacking you, you are giving him the legal rights to do so! When he wanders around, probing here and probing there, searching for a weakness, all he has to do is push the button and keep walking and you do the rest. He never forced Eve to pick that piece of fruit. She did! He never forced that piece of fruit down her throat. She ate it! Your old flesh life is all he has to work with. Have you ever had moments that you did something that you knew you shouldn’t have? Me too! Each time, I feel terrible. We can say things like, “I goofed off again! Oh, no…I did it again. Oh dear, I should have done that and never did and blew it again.” Paul was like that. Can you believe it? He said- This is a common problem to us all. Whilst we struggle and strive with our old nature, we are going to fail and then sin and then feel remorse and then repent and then call out for help. God steps in and off we go until next time! Don’t blame the devil for your own shortcomings. I cringe when I hear peoples say that the devil made them do it. No! They did it and tried to do what happened in the garden. God knew what happened and wanted them to confess it, but everyone blamed everyone else. Eve said that the snake did it. Adam said, “That woman you gave me made me do it” and I feel sorry for the poor snake that had no one else to blame. If we are honest with ourselves, most times we go down the gurgler is because we wanted to do what we did. This situation is common to all men who do not have the revelation of who we are in Christ, what He has already done for us in a completed work and what He has given us. Paul went on this merry-go-round also until the Holy Spirit told him, “Paul. You’re a dead man. Dead men do not sin.” When He saw it, Paul was released. He saw what I shared in the earlier pages and realized that he was a dead man walking. If you want the victory, that’s what you do. Tell that old man inside you, “You’re crucified with Christ. You’re dead” and then whenever the devil knocks on your door don’t open it. If he tries to whisper things in your ear, start saying what God says. He can’t handle “It is written” and “remember Calvary?” Tell him what the word of God says. That's what Jesus did when He was tempted and you know what happened then. Yes, the devilleft Him. You cannot say, “It is written” if you do not know what is written, so you know what to do. Well saints, how do you feel now…an overcomer, or someone who is always licking your wounds? You are going to have plenty of opportunities to fail, but choose not to. Blessings, Robert |
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