![]() This story is about three different cases of healing. That is how Jesus operated. He only said what the Father said and only did what He saw the Father do. When Jesus spat on that man's eyes, He deposited His DNA on the man and gave him more than physical eyesight. He changed his attitudes and mindsets. his man had apparently been able to see before but for some reason had lost his eyesight. The Lord therefore restored something to him that he once had, but had lost. Another man never had eyesight from birth. He had nothing to start with so Jesus gave him more than eyesight, but a whole new way of life. He smeared that dirt all over the man's eyes and told him to go to the pool and wash it off. The third man in our story is about Bartimaeus. He had hear that Jesus was in town, so yelled his head off to grab the Lord's attention. People tried to shut him down. The church did not want him. The pastors did not want him. The elders and deacons did not want him, but Jesus did! Bartimaeus received his eyesight but something else happened. He started to follow Jesus. He became a disciple. We shall start with Bartimaeus.. |
And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging. Mark 10:46 As we often see, many stories in the bible lead into others. We have a tendency to gloss over things and take them for granted. As a result, we can miss out on something wonderful, or something really out of the box and can not see the fuller picture. It is like watching a western movie and start part way through as the hero rides off on his horse into the setting sun and the bad guy laying on the ground after a shootout. Sometimes the events in the bible are like that. Whatever happened in Jericho had impacted the place so much that a crowd came out of the city following Him and in the process, surely someone would have talked about it! Some of those conversations must have included what Jesus did! As He was leaving town, He passed by a man sitting on the ground who was begging. He was called Bartimaeus (meaning son of the unclean) and he was sitting there. Most times we call him “blind Bartimaeus”, but that is wrong! That is putting something on him! If I took it further, possibly as far as I dare, it could be very close to cursing the man! We keep declaring him to be a blind man! Put yourself in his shoes when every time you come to church, people would greet you with “Hello blind {your-name}”. If someone keeps telling you such things, it is possible to start believing it and once you do that...and start saying it also... you are making a self-fulfilling prophecy over yourself! It happens! Actually, his name is not really Bartimaeus. It is a means of identification. Bartimaeus is not really a proper name and he should have been called son of Timaeus, so it seems that we really put tags on people when we shouldn’t. This has led us to something of great importance—and it is sadly more often than not overlooked in many churches. He only did what He saw the Father do, said that the Father said and always did the will of the Father. Regardless of what we are doing, it is best to be attuned to the voice of the Spirit. Sometimes in our enthusiasm, we may not know when to stop and that can be as bad as missing an opportunity. I recall the time when I met someone and asked the question, “Do you know Jesus?” They replied, “No.” I then asked them if they wanted to and they said, “Yes” and I led them to the Lord. I wish it were always that easy, but this person was ready. On other occasions, we can sweat, fuss and fume and, despite everything we do or say, there seems to be no response. One thing we can forget is that the Holy Spirit is the person to do the drawing and the hard work! See Matthew 11:25-30; John 6:44, 65;14:6. As I have often said before, I receive numerous invitations to minister somewhere, let us say in Africa and although I long to return, the Lord has not granted permission to me yet. If I went prematurely, I would in essence be disobedient. Jesus therefore, who had learned these things as we see in Hebrews 5:8 had completed His present assignment when one man found out that He had been in town and started calling out to Him, addressing Him in an unusual way. There are times in our lives when God is passing by and we too may need somone to tell us. We know that He wants to bless everyone and not see one precious soul go to hell, but in real life, what He wants does not always happen because of our power of choice. God wants us to choose wisely and there are times when it is up to us to respond. If you read the account in Mark 6:48 of how Jesus walked on the water, He was going to walk right past the disciples and not stop, because He was on a mission. He had already told them that He would meet them in Bēthsaida so there was no debate that they would not meet Him there . No storm would prevent Him from fulfilling His assignment. We’ve got to learn that if God is on an assignment—and has sent us on one—that’s what is to be foremost in our hearts and minds. We have to do what He said—no more and no less. He will work things out. Jesus was not stopping for anyone but someone changed it all and it was a man no one wanted to know or be around. The preachers did not want him to mess up their church. The board did not want a beggar in rags sitting outside their church. The members of the church did not want a dirty, smelly unkept beggar messing things up outside their church. No matter what they tried to do, he stayed put and kept yelling out loudly for help that had never come. One person must have told him that Jesus is in town and that He is walking down the road right now past the door of the church—not into the church. No one in that church knew who Jesus was! This is a serious matter that is all too prevalent. If Jesus walked into some churches today, many people would freak right out. In Revelation 3:20, the Lord was talking to the church, not to sinners, saying- Bartimaeus knew something that the people didn’t, but he was a beggar who they did not want around! He knew that Jesus was King and that is what he acknowledged! Isaiah said- The New Testament opens with this- One point I want to make is that the ordinary people joyfully received Him, but the religious leaders did not. There is a human trait in that we form opinions and mindsets. We hold to pre-conceived ideas and in so doing, risk tying the hands of God so that He cannot do a thing for us. Jesus Himself admitted that He could not do any great miracles in His own home town for such reasons. A prophet is often without honor... (Matthew 13:57-58; Mark 6:1-6). I want to close on this segment with this. We are dealing with healing here and blindness to be specific and as we will see, Jesus ministered to different situations in a different manner every time. |
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