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Pastors are often asked questions about all kinds of topics. To me personally, it can be a daunting thing because what I say to others can have an affect on them. It may be good or it may not produce the results I would prefer. There are many varied reasons of course, one of which is that the hearer always has the option to listen carefully or not. Some people seem to close their ears at times and no amount talking, even if the truth hits them in the face, will change what they choose to accept or reject. They can receive the word in the ways I have been recently discussing based on Mark chapter 4 in Jesus’ parable of the seed. One could say something that is true and is both received and acted upon to gain the desired outcome, but what has been said may be interpreted according to preconceived perceptions, biases or prejudices and thus the whole exercise is fruitless. They just do not want to hear. It is possible for God to send someone in the office of a prophet to advise or give counsel or even warn another person about something, only to have it shrugged off and disregarded. I’ve had the Lord instruct me to warn someone of a situation and it fell on fertile soil and helped them immensely, but there have also been many times when the warning is ignored. That’s life! It is biblical also. God often told His prophets to go to the people or an individual with a message that He knew would be rejected. He told the prophet in advance that it would be spurned—but the prophet still had to go and deliver that message. See Ezekiel chapters 3 and 33.

On the other hand, when talking with someone, I am acutely conscious that my words can be acted upon and have an affect. If I am in error, it is easy for the other person to come back later and accuse me...”You told me!” False accusations are also part of the ministry life. Some people have told others we advised them to do a certain thing. We never did that! They had already made up their minds on what they wanted to do and when things do not work out, they made us a scapegoat. It’s easy to blame someone else for what they wanted to do regardless and it never worked out.  All we did was to try to help them or encourage them. We knew it would not be good for them, but they did not want to listen. Many times, people do not want to conform, or do not want to hear the truth, or want to do what they have already decided on beforehand.

This is one reason why I constantly apply self-check mechanisms. I do not want to be found guilty of not telling the truth or going off half-cocked on anything. When the Lord took me to hell for 45 minutes several years ago (and I never want that experience again), I saw pastors in hell because they never told the truth and people believed them, resulting in everyones’ demise. I do not want to be held accountable for anyone’s life. I often relate to other pastors who have a real and genuine track record for similar reasons. One would be a fool to think he knows everything and cannot make a mistake. That is where deception starts.

Anyhow, I said all that to say that people sometimes talk about sensitive and often personal matters. I do not counsel others and dislike it. I do not doubt that good counselors are very well trained professionals, but they usually deal with matters on a purely intellectual basis. Counseling is often in the domain of psychology that comes into the realm of the natural man that encompass the mind, the will and one’s emotions.
The bible clearly tells us that the natural mind is God’s enemy! See romans 8:1-9, particularly verse 7.

We are spirit beings. We possess a soul that comprises the mind, the will and the emotions and we live in a human physical body.  I believe that we should ensure that the spirit is doing well and is healthy and then renew our minds by the word of God. Romans 12:2 and Ephesians 4:22-25 are classic examples.

To the best of my ability, I share what the bible says on a given matter and only that. I strive to avoid denominational prejudices and biases, so it is up to the hearer to listen, receive what the word itself says and then make up their own mind.

So much for the preamble. The reason I am writing this is because I have been asked some pertinent and often perplexing questions. One dear friend telephoned recently and was talking to my wife. I was present and heard the conversation as the caller asked my wife where a certain bible verse could be found. I told them and the Lord suddenly told me to prepare this study!

This is the result. Someone must need it.

Dear friends, if you are hoping one day to find your perfect partner in life, pray about it. Ask God to lead you to him or her and when you do meet, do not be hasty in running into marriage. Cultivate the relationship. Learn about each other. Find the vision God has for your life together and work towards that. Finally, something that should not need mention, but it is necessary...stay pure until you are married.

Invite the Lord into your marriage and into your home and love each other...

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